An drilling rig is towed around the world by a single tug. A brand-new drilling rig, worth 500 million dollar, has to go from South Korea to Europe. The problem: It is too gigantic for a heavy transport vessel. The solution: it’s being towed. By one single tug. It’s a true Mega Transport, halfway around the globe – all that in just 90 days. The Mega Transport starts in Ulsan, South Korea. West Bollsta was built here for 6 years – and is now ready to get to its operation site. But how should this beast be delivered? It’s 123 meters long and 76 meters wide. Its maximum drilling depth: incredible 12 kilometers! Way to bulky to be transported in a common way. Surprisingly, a rather small kind of boat is best for the job: the ALP Striker – one of the strongest ocean tugs in the world. The ALP Striker will pull the drilling rig across the oceans on arm-thick steel cables. They are so heavy that only the ship’s own crane can move them. Connecting tug and rig alone takes a whole day. Once the drilling rig is towed to the tug, they’re embarking on a journey never before seen: around the cape of good hope. Navigation, pirates, wind and waves – there are many unpredictable challenges along the way. Once they have managed them all, the destination is in sight: the Canary islands.
الرئيسية ⁄ موسوعة الفيديو ⁄ سدود و ابار ⁄ Huge Drilling Rig Transport | Mega Transports | Free Documentary
سدود و ابار Huge Drilling Rig Transport | Mega Transports | Free Documentary