الرئيسيةالتنمية والتدريبNeed to build a RESUME
التنمية والتدريب

Need to build a RESUME

Need to build a RESUME?

Do this…..

Full name, Location, Email, Cell and LinkedIn URL

3 job titles you are qualified to fulfil separated by vertical dividers.


1. Professional Summary:

What you are professionally + Who

you are in terms of personal


Max. 4/5 lines.

2. Core Competencies and Achievements:

Bullet point hard or transferable

skill and evidence with a major

achievement ($, % etc are great here).

Max. 6 bullets.

Max. 2 lines per bullet.


3. Professional Experience:

Descending chronological order.

Company name, Location, Job Title, Dates.

4/5 lines of responsibility description

and other achievements not mentioned in section #2.

Subsection: Earlier Work Experience

for the 40 years+ cohort: no detail or

dates except company, location, job


4. Education/Certifications.

In descending order of importance.

No dates for 40 years+ cohort.

5. Awards/Volunteer Work/ Publications, if applicable.

No photos, graphics, tables etc for online ATS.

Recent grads: your order is 1,2,4,3. Your resume is your passport to your next job. Make sure it hasn’t expired! Anything to add, please?

Kirsty Bonner