الرئيسيةالتنمية والتدريبways to detox your MIND
التنمية والتدريب

ways to detox your MIND

10 ways to detox your MIND:

1. Take a deep breath.

2. Smile.

3. Forgive yourself.

4. Flip the negative into the positive.

5. Forget perfection; “good” is good enough.

6. Stop comparing yourself to others.

7. Prioritise and get rid of the “fluff.”

8. Eliminate futile distractions.

9. Meditate.

10. Seek professional help if you need it.

We can be our own best friend, or our own worst enemy. Detox your mind if you need to get back on track. Life is too short for self-imposed confusion!

Kirsty Bonner