الرئيسيةالتنمية والتدريبways to be a PROFESSIONAL in the workplace
التنمية والتدريب

ways to be a PROFESSIONAL in the workplace

20 ways to be a PROFESSIONAL in the workplace:

Do as many of these as possible…..

1. Dress appropriately.

2. Be punctual.

3. Be kind.

4. Be reliable.

5. Be respectful.

6. Have integrity.

7. Don’t gossip.

8. Be discreet.

9. Maintain confidentiality.

10. If using a company cell phone record a professional greeting.

11. Have an appropriate email signature.

12. Avoid receiving sensitive, personal information on your work email.

13. Leave the emotion at home.

14. Avoid personal calls that may be overheard.

15. Maintain and respect boundaries.

16. Don’t curse.

17. Avoid innuendo with the opposite sex.

18. Don’t belittle people who report to you.

19. Take disagreements and resolve them in a private room.

20. Remember it’s business; not personal.

Does all this seem elementary and obvious?

Well clearly it isn’t, given the number of people who feel compelled to leave toxic and inappropriate work environments.

It’s important to feel comfortable in your place of work. But not as comfortable as at home!

Be professional at all times, and treat employees and colleagues as you, yourself, wish to be treated.

Kirsty Bonner