الرئيسيةالتنمية والتدريبWant to get TRACTION on LinkedIn
التنمية والتدريب

Want to get TRACTION on LinkedIn

Want to get TRACTION on LinkedIn?

Do this…..

1. Attention from RECRUITERS: All-Star Profile, headline with job titles, 2000 character summary (About section) with relevant key-wording ( use Tagcrowd).

2. SEARCH for recruiters: Search bar eg. “IT recruiter + location.”

3. LinkedIn JOBS: make sure your resume is ATS compliant for Easy Apply applications etc.

4. CONNECT with anybody by sending personalized connect requests.

5. ENGAGE by liking interesting posts, commenting insightfully, liking your own comment, liking other meaningful comments, replying to good comments.

6. JOIN organized groups NOT engagement pods.

7. POST original content (we can watch YouTube videos on YouTube!). Like you own post and reply to all comments for at least the first hour, to “please” the algorithm.

8. HELP others freely, willingly and with zero expectation of return.

9. EHAVE politely and professionally. You are in full public view.

LinkedIn is the most under-utilised social media platform on the planet. Why?

Because people don’t know how to use it. Now YOU do! Anything to add, please?

Kirsty Bonner