الرئيسيةالتنمية والتدريبlot of advice out there about resumes, profiles & job searching
التنمية والتدريب

lot of advice out there about resumes, profiles & job searching

I think there is a lot of advice out there about resumes, profiles & job searching.

Some good, some not so good and some outdated.

I think the talk around AI, ATS, bots and systems that review and identify candidates, in theory, sounds like it saves time. I believe the opposite to be true. I think the ATS invites so many applicants that it becomes impossible for hiring to have a human face. Human interaction, human decision making.

Employers are so busy perfecting hiring practices, screening tools/ATS systems that they miss out on candidates that aren’t ‘perfect.’ Lets face it, people are not & will never be perfect. We are messy, we have gaps, we have bad fits, bad jobs, successes and failures and quirks and personalities that all get overlooked.

Hiring has moved from a gut decision to an automated one, and I don’t think that diversity, innovation, new ideas and the critical uniqueness of PEOPLE can be identified by AI.

Hiring is broken, the process is too long, candidates are overlooked because they are not the perfect fit, and the same jobs are posted and re-posted over and over. Instead of holding out, hire someone with the passion and desire to succeed, and you’ll never make a bad decision.